thinking thursday.

this story saddened me so, so deeply.
and so did this one.
and this one.
and this one.
As I wrote on Facebook yesterday,
I am unhappy with humans today. I am unhappy with mine owners who put the lives of workers at risk, repeatedly. I am unhappy with teachers and administrators and parents who ignore that bullying is a life-threatening issue, repeatedly. I am unhappy with a whole community that ostracizes a young lesbian girl over a simple prom, repeatedly. Once we know, we cannot not know. We have to do better than this, we really do.
a recovering skinhead on leaving hate behind.
Palestinians try a less violent path to resistance.
body :: my place and yours
can animals be gay? (thanks to gay clyburn)
helping patients face death, she fought to live.
love this window farming (thanks to marilyn maciel)
my life is now officially complete.
this makes me hungry. (thanks to teri donnelly)
and so does this. (thanks to tana butler)
soul :: my heart and yours
let me read you a story.
turning our back on heroes. (thanks to kelli ann monedero)
A final thought :: Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? -Ernest Gaines