poetry 7 : build one barn
To scatter wide seed in many fields,
But build one barn.
This is our blunder, to have built
Gilt shacks for every seed,
And followed our sowing on fast anxious feet,
Desiring to grind the farmost grain.
Let go. Let go. Return
Heighten and straighten the barn's first beam.
Give shape and form. Discover the rat, the splintered stair.
Throw out the dry, gray corn.
Then may it be said of you:
Behold, he had done one thing well,
And he knows whereof he speaks, and he means what he has said,
And we may trust him.
This is sufficient for a life.
-Josephine W. Johnson
Let go, let go, return. Be trustworthy. Mean what you say. Do one thing well. Follow through. Let go, let go, return. Build one barn. And may it be a gorgeous one. May it be a deep red one that stops you in the right sunlight, makes you stop and see.
In celebration of National Poetry Month. Thanks to a high school friend, Anna Causby Hurdle, for sharing this poem with me.
[image from here]