found-art tuesday : treasures from her pocket

RocksTess likes rocks. She is enamored of them. We find them in all her pockets. A recent walk to the park yielded these. She carefully laid them all out for viewing.

The one she is proudest of? "LOOK AT MY CRYSTAL!" she shouted, running toward me. She held a tiny dot of a piece of glass up just in front of my glasses. "SEE! SEE?"

On the right side of this photograph, there is a large white roundish stone beneath another smaller white stone. Just under that large white stone is a longer, much smaller white stone. Immediately to the left of that is a tiny dot of glass.

The treasure.

What treasures do you find on your daily walks about life? What's in your pocket to remind you of the gloriosity of the walk itself?

About Patti Digh

Patti Digh is an author, speaker, and educator who builds learning communities and gets to the heart of difficult topics. Her work over the last three decades has focused on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and living and working mindfully. She has developed diversity strategies and educational programming for major nonprofit and corporate organizations and has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences.

7 comments to " found-art tuesday : treasures from her pocket "
  • Becky

    A piece of cotton plant from NC from when DH (boyfriend at the time) picked me up from the airport.

    A sand dollar we found in FL on our trip to Marco Island for our second anniversary

    A picture turned into a bookmark (used mailing tape to tape a paper clip to the back of it) of when DH and I were first dating.

    A piece of pottery I made on the wheel back in HS. It holds pens in our kitchen.

    A couple pictures DD made for me and my DS pacifier–neccessary, but still a sweet reminder when I open my purse.

  • gwyn

    Ah Tess we could have fun together. I still do this :-)

  • those are some great rocks…I mean treasures! still love rocks, shells, leaves…more often then not I take a picture now and just leave the treasures behind!

  • Before we got our bikes, my son used to collect rocks as we walked home from school. The rule was he had to carry them, and they had to stay outside. For a long time we had a cairn made up of his daily treasures near the front door. Biking to school has its own charms, but it’s a lot harder to collect rocks!

  • That guy in the wheelchair I always see at the grocery store. He always has SUCH a scowl on his face and today, after smiling at him at least twice a week for three years straight with not so much as a glimmer in return, it happened. And he, and his smile, were indeed glorious.

  • the joy we found as kids, collecting rocks and shells (that smelled later, lol)…we need to keep that as adults!

  • Tess and I are obviously soulmates. I always end up with rocks in my pockets, I hawe bowls at home filled with them. I don’t even know where the come from most of the time, I don’t recall picking them up.

    All I know is I can’t get enough of them, they ground me.

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