Email woes

I wonder…is anyone else having trouble with Yahoo email? Over 12,000 messages downloaded into my mailbox yesterday and today – and now I can’t access that email account at all. So, if you need to reach me, or have emailed and I haven’t responded, the best option at the moment is to send your email to my old address. If you don’t need to reach me, and aren’t bothered by Yahoo email glitches, carry on with your frantic gift-making, baking of small crescent cookies rolled in powdered sugar, and humming of Jingle Bell Rock.

About Patti Digh

Patti Digh is an author, speaker, and educator who builds learning communities and gets to the heart of difficult topics. Her work over the last three decades has focused on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and living and working mindfully. She has developed diversity strategies and educational programming for major nonprofit and corporate organizations and has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences.

3 comments to " Email woes "
  • Kate

    Uh oh, Patti. I think that one may be down as well. I received an error message from it. :(

  • Dang…I could have sworn I had only emailed you *hundreds* of times today.

    I have been using gmail for years now, since the early days when finding someone to invite you into the club of gmail users was harder than getting into some exclusive nightclubs.

    It’s now open to any and all comers, and I heartily recommend it. In the three years I have been using it, it has never been down more than a few minutes at any one time, and that happens so seldom it is simply amazing. No lost mail, no issues around Spam (their filters get a little too aggressive at times, and requires one to glance once in awhile to make sure there is not a message from Mom which got sucked into the Spam trap), and a constantly growing capacity. Last I looked, it was closing in on 6GB. I have many thousands of messages and lots of attachments in my mailbox and still have 84% of my alloted capacity left.

    Yes, I am pitching gmail as an alternative!

  • Not yahoo too?! My hotmail accounts have become basically unusable over the last month. bah. gmail don’t fail now…

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