Be my virtual assistant…
Years ago, when I started my own business, I was quickly swamped by details–phone calls to make, interviews to set up for articles I was writing, lots of travel arrangements, invoicing. I hired a virtual assistant, a fantastic woman who lived near Dallas. We worked together for years before ever meeting in person.When I moved to North Carolina and had another baby (I have one every eleven years, just like clockwork), I reduced my workload and stopped working with Suzanne. As my work heats up again, and as David and I get busier, I looked for her, but can’t find her–perhaps she has retired–so I’m on the search for a new virtual assistant, someone who can help with business stuff, invoicing, travel arrangements, scheduling, blogging stuff (would be great if they know Typepad), publishing stuff (in the mail today, I got a book from Lulu that I created and it is a disaster, so I evidently need Big Help), great organizational and phone skills, a sense of humor, and someone who doesn’t require a monthly retainer fee, but who works by the hour (for those months that are less busy).
If you are a virtual assistant anywhere in the world who fits those criteria (or if you can recommend one), let’s talk! Send an email with info about your work, won’t you? Please put "virtual assistant" in the subject line of your email…
Alternatively, if you are a Typepad Wunderkind who can help me with Typepad issues when needed (again, by the hour), I’d love to hear from you, too!