Inventory your A-Z
Intrigued by her creatures and small houses, I’m inspired by the Encyclopedia of Me that Bella Dia is creating in August, one letter at a time. Sure, I’m starting late, but perhaps a daily catalog of A-Z will jumpstart writing again, even in this fantastical heat. Perhaps "A" will be "airconditioning" and "B" will be "burning alive" and "C" will be "crispy done" and "D" will be "devil hot." Or perhaps I’ll play around with A-Z to escape the heat, get out of the submarine, and finally write, my brain still broiling in its own juices in the heatwave. One never knows. But A-Z it is, beginning tomorrow, that herculean effort toward paper again. You? What’s your "A"? Your "T"? Your "Q"?"W" is for write.