Books make lovely companions
“When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.”– Desiderius ErasmusIn an effort to fund my addiction to Nutella, Mango Chutney Papadums, the books of Billy Collins and Richard Powers, Revolution Lavender Earl Grey tea, Naot Monterey sandals, a little Tracy Chapman, the silly fact that Emma wants to go to college (imagine the nerve!), and Dr. Hauschka facial toner (yes, I know that last one is just plain irrational), I’ve created a wee little 37days bookshop.
I hope if you’re searching for something to read, watch, or listen to, you might stop by. Some of my very favorites are in there – and it’s a work in progress.
Perhaps you’ll find something interesting that your Aunt Ethel would love for her birthday. Or a fun and enlightened Todd Parr book for your nephew Oscar. Or something edifying from my Bridging Differences Bookstack for the sexist or racist in the next cubicle at work.
The prices are what you’d find on Amazon, yet 37days will benefit a tiny bit from each purchase, allowing me to buy that Airstream and – after all these years of sad lack and longing – finally see the Grand Canyon at long last.
Go on, read more.