Thanks from a groupie
Many thanks for all the generous offers of help! It appears that Anne Lamott’s reading in Atlanta is sold out, so I won’t be able to
fling myself at her feet see her read there.
Perhaps it’s all for the best, after all. Maybe it would have been like that time I hired a a famous leadership guru with bright white hair and a deep tan and initials that begin with W.B. to speak at a conference I was managing and he was such a horrible fit-thrower and mean-spirited jerk that I could never pick up another one of his books again and had to exile them from my home, then take a long, hot shower to get rid of the evilness. I’d really hate to mess up my Bird by Bird jube-jube. You know what I mean? So I’ll stay home and eat worms.
Thanks, though, to everyone who emailed – your willingness to help out was so fantastic! We should all just get together for brunch one Sunday in Atlanta anyway. We don’t need Anne Lamott in town to gather over some high-fat pastries, do we?