An RSS Confession
I have a confession to make.What I know about the technology of publishing a blog would fit into this thimble. I’ve read "RSS for Dummies" articles, I’ve spent countless hours scouring the "help" section of Typepad, and it still takes me hours to figure out how to create new typelists. I gave up on figuring out what feeds were long ago, much less how to get them or read them or eat them. I just don’t know the tech piece of this–and while I was an early adopter of technology until October 20, 2003, if you miss a day, you’re lost.
That’s all to say that I was so happy to get an email from a tech angel, a reader of 37days who was wondering if I had fallen silent as of February 20th, since that was the date of the last feed he had received.
I confessed my ignorance of feeds to him–and bless him, he has taken me under his wing, helping me all the way from New Zealand to learn how to fix what’s broken–thank you, Michael, for your generous spirit and tech knowledge!
With his help, I’ve recently realized that the RSS feed for 37days hasn’t been working properly, and after making some changes, we’re back in business. If you haven’t been receiving my recent essays via RSS, can I ask you to re-subscribe to my RSS feed? Here is the new link:
If you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, welcome to my world and don’t worry about catching up.
In the future, if you see problems with the technology of 37days, do let me know. I won’t know what you’re talking about, but I’ll nod knowingly.